Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Gobble, gobble, gobble,

Sorry we have been so net-absent lately (OK, more than lately). We have a laundry-list of excuses, none of which shall I bore you with. Well, maybe one… Elizabeth and I are in the old USA right now. We've been here about 6 weeks. We surprised a bunch of people – the last of which was Kathrin last week in L.A. So, we couldn't exactly blog about surprising everyone until we were finished. Too bad we can't surprise Josh & Megan in Durham.

This will be a short update with hopes for a more regular series of posts in the future. So, I published my first book! It was published by Dharmaram Publications in Bangalore (associated with my school) and is entitled The Quest for Postmodern Ethics: A Phenomenological Comparison of Martin Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo Ghose. It's not on Amazon yet, but I am hopeful. I am thrilled to say that it is going to be reviewed by the Journal for Hindu-Christian Studies in their next issue! Even if they hate it, at least it will get some exposure. It is also going to be reviewed for the Journal of Dharma.

In other exciting news, last year I had an article published by the Journal of Dharma on the eco-pneumatology of Raimon Panikkar. The exciting thing is that last month I received a hand-written letter from Panikkar! How groovy is that?

Elizabeth also has big news. She has been offered an internship at a hospital in Boston! I am very proud of her – though it does add a tiny bit more pressure for me to get into Harvard's doctoral program.

Unfortunately, our journey home was not under ideal conditions. We came home several weeks earlier than planned because we wanted to spend extra time with my sister Cathy, her daughter Caylyn, her son Evan, and her husband Tully. Caylyn's leukemia relapsed following a bad bout of pneumonia (as opposed to a good case of it?) and she has only spent a handful of days out of the hospital since then. Please visit her website and leave my sister a note if you get a chance:
and also her fundraising site:

Elizabeth and I are in Connecticut right now with her family for Thanksgiving. We are going to drop by church in New Jersey on Sunday on our way back to South Carolina to see Caylyn and family more before we head back to India on Dec 4th.

Let us know if you are out there. We are both going to try to be better about postings. We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!